Kristin Yarmer Hair » A Hairdresser for Austin, Texas

How to manage and fix Chlorine Deposits

Screen-Shot-2015-07-10-at-10.11.50-AMOh no Chlorine!!! What do I do???!!!

Summer is here and we all beat the heat, especially in Texas, by jumping in the pool. If proper hair care isn’t taken you can sometimes end up with an unappealing hue and buildup. It isn’t easy being green—especially if your once-pristine highlights are starting to take on the tint. Whether you’re a highlighted blonde or completely natural, the risk of chlorine-green strands and chlorine buildup is a very real one in the summer. You know those public pools just pour it in!


Why does this happen?

When chlorine enters your hair shaft, traces of copper in the water stick to the proteins in your strands and oxidize, causing the color to form. Copper is introduced via algicides and binds to hair after being oxidized by chlorine. Luckily, the shift in shade is very easy to fix, meaning you don’t have to work an accidental lime green hue for the rest of the season.


Here are a few tips on how to remove chlorine build up:


Shower and shampoo your hair immediately after swimming. For most people this will be an effective way to prevent chlorine buildup.



Make a baking soda solution.

Baking soda will effectively remove chlorine and other chemicals from your hair.



  • You can make a solution with one tablespoon (15 grams) baking soda to one cup (250ml) water, or a paste with one tablespoon (15 grams) baking soda and just enough water to make a paste.
  • Wash your hair with the baking soda solution. Your hair may feel a bit slimy when shampooing, that means it’s working.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly, and then follow your normal hair-care routine.


Apple Cider Vinegar


  • Do not use shampoo with the ACV, simply wash with the vinegar, rinse with water and leave to dry. I would use conditioner to soften, as the vinegar will definitely have a drying effect.




Amazing products to help remove chlorine:


Malibu Swimmers Wellness Shampoo and Conditioner


Ultra Swim Chlorine Removal Shampoo



How to use:


  • If swimming 5-7 days use 2 times a week.
  • If swimming 1-4 days use once a week.